Gums Hurt from Periodontal DiseaseDo your gums hurt? If you have sore, painful gums, the best thing you can do for your oral health is get to the dentist’s office. A gum infection might seem minor, but it can signify a more serious problem, so a dentist should thoroughly investigate any discomfort.

Gum infections happen quickly, yet they can be difficult to treat on your own. Only a dentist’s specialized tools can reach below the gum line to remove build-up and debris. Furthermore, we utilize the latest tools and technology to sterilize the gum tissue, treating the infection at its source.

Periodontal disease is one of the most common health conditions, and it affects all types of individuals—adults and children, men and women, and those of all ethnicities. While it might not start as a serious problem, periodontal disease can lead to tooth loss if left untreated.

Early symptoms of gum disease include redness, bleeding, swelling, sensitivity, or painful irritation to the affected area. These symptoms may also be present in the gum tissue surrounding an infected tooth.

The best way to prevent gum disease is an at-home regimen of brushing and flossing twice a day. It’s important to remember that with proper, gentle technique, no amount of bleeding is normal. Additionally, patients should have a checkup and cleaning appointment at the dentist’s office at least every six months. If you’ve had previous problems with periodontal disease, we may recommend more frequent visits, such as every three or four months, or until your condition has improved.

If your gums hurt or you experience any symptoms of periodontal disease, please don’t hesitate to contact our office. We are here to help!